Monday, September 28, 2015

Class Five: Seattle Flowers Cont'd

Today had been busy, and I kinda drug my feet about going to class.  Some days are more motivating than others, but I made it cause I knew it would make me feel better. And of course it did. :) Ms. L was accommodating enough to let me push back our lesson on landscapes (guess what you will see next week?) so I could finish my Seattle Flowers. She's pretty awesome. I started with playing around with the leaves before filling in the background to make the flowers pop.

Giving depth to the leaves...

Working with a cool background was Ms. L's idea to bring out the color in the petals. The leave became a lesson in letting go of detailing too early. Give the illusion of depth and curves in the leaves with vague brush strokes. Learning to see... Be flexible and accept that your work will change and evolve... Never finish one area a hundred percent (like when putting together a chair, don't screw in each screw completely, wait until all are in before tightening them properly). 

Again the flowers that I modeled from.

...And here is the end result. 
(The pic doesn't do it justice, hehe)

I will sit with this and let it be a reminder of my amazing vacation. :) This feels good, I'm getting so much out of these classes. Not my most creative post perhaps, but it does reveal progress. I'll take it. :)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Class Four: Seattle Flowers

After an exhilarating and healing trip to Seattle with my bestie, I happily made my way to class, not sure what we were going to work on next but, to be honest, I didn't really care. Excited no matter what we were gonna do, but apparently Mrs. C had requested flowers. Score! Cool, I can do that, I am an O'Keeffe fan... BUT WAIT! Can I paint from the pics I took from Seattle? Yes?! Oh now we are talking!!

These are the pictures from Seattle that I chose to work from.

As per the new routine, I sketched out two ideas of my plan before putting brush to canvas. A nice yellow ocher and burnt sienna wash later and off to the races we went.  Poor Mrs. C never made it to class, so Ms. L and I had our own little session together. She worked on her flowers while I worked on mine. Music, paint, zen... One little composition gem I heard today was to make sure the eye moves around the whole piece. If you get stuck in one spot, then the painting isn't doing its job. Also a good reminder to use your colors all over the painting. Lovely.

A wash and the sketches of my Seattle Flowers.
Yeah, I wish I had taken note of the flower's names too.

Where are the lights and where are the shadows?  Creating shadows where you may not see them in the photo but you know they are there. Working on that, check.  Oh and remember that blurry/vague to detailed idea that we discussed last time? Yeah, still effing hard to do. I kept working as best I could to avoid detailing as I went, but wow, it is clearly a habit that I need to put more effort into breaking. Ms. L tried to help me with my shading and as she painted some broad strokes across my highly detailed flower I felt myself weep a little inside. She asked me if I thought it was improved... I'm sorry! Im so sorry but I really liked it better before. Now here is where I get a little cerebral. I want to learn, want to improve my skills, but I feel like my style or signature as she says, may be different from hers. So how do we balance the two?

Yeah. so, um, flowers.

Do you see all the lines? I really think I am beginning to understand what Ms. L says about Lines versus edges and shapes, but here is where the ability "to see" comes into play. I do not know how to paint without the lines. They feel so important and how does one see shadows underneath the object? A great lesson,for sure, and I hope to have some time to work on it more before next week. Unfinished, but hey, we shall see where it goes.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Class Three: Healing Art

After an unexpectedly difficult weekend, I was looking forward to distracting myself for a while in class. Mrs. C had arrived early this week to get started (good idea, Mrs. C!) as I heard the two casually talking as I approached the Drawing & Painting room. I had considered asking Ms. L if I could retry Water Pitcher and Tomatoes from scratch on a new canvas, but she blessed me with something better- a Matisse! YES!! An abstract piece, now that was something I felt confident in.  It was exactly what I needed to clear my mind and feel good about my work. Another blessing to increase my enthusiasm; I was able to paint on an easel for the first time since my neck procedure (to improve the mobility of my left hand and arm). Turn on that music, Ms. L, I am ready! Thanks go to Mrs. C, who was generous enough to give me a 16 x 12 canvas so I did not have to suffer my tiny 9 x 12 canvas board the Water Pitcher and Tomatoes were done on. I will get you back next week, Mrs.C perhaps with an even larger one...

Still Life of Goldfish. Matisse, 1912

I got straight to work, now I knew the routine. Set up your palette, water, brushes, kerchiefs and sketchbook. Ms. L recommends that two "thumbnail" sketches should be done prior to painting, one vertical and one horizontal to help become comfortable with your design. I had already begun painting by the time I learned this two sketch plan, but I will be all over that next week. :P 

I chose to follow the original (for the most part) for my study, 
and was excited to see how my concept translated on the canvas.

Then the next three hours just flew by. I took my time studying the original. It read very pink and green to me. I decided to change up the black shadows with navy, as  Ms. L encouraged. So I washed the whole canvas with a light pink before mapping out my design with a weak wash of yellow ocher. By the way I am really digging this yellow ocher! Ms. L gave me a recommendation for a good tube of premixed purple- Dioxazine Purple. Oh yes, I have great plans in store for that purple! Well, my plan is to use the crap out of it, but that doesn't negate the fact that it IS a great plan. Anyhoosits, I focused on working large to small, and from light to dark... The sweet beauty of painting and feeling motivated while all my cares faded away. 

In progress...

I only show this image to remind myself that the finished product doesn't have to happen from the get go. It is a resistive process, the retraining of my brain in not just how I see, but how I create, all the while fighting my old BYOB painting style: background, foreground, then final details, completing each section as you go. In this class we paint by color, working over the whole painting at once. Ugh, seriously it took some discipline resisting the urge to paint in details here! But I forged ahead, continuing on until my magical bubble burst, the clock struck four and I was a sad pumpkin once again. When I left, however, I had this feeling like some weight had been lifted by my time here today. And for that, my amazing friends, is just another reason I am so grateful for this gift. 

Swanky's Study of Goldfish. 2015  :P

Monday, September 7, 2015

Class Two: What is a Line?

As part of my homework, I took a trip to the local library to print some Matisse (and took the liberty of a few O'Keeffe) paintings to commit an act of artistic plagiarism. Haha, no. There isn't any way someone would mistake my work for Matisse. Anyhoosits, a small adventure to a graphic design store later and I acquired nine lovely color pages that I could reference. Check me out, smug... All prepared and shit (meanwhile Future Kelly laughs and laughs).

My fellow student Mrs. C was properly late to class so at first it felt like a private lesson. :) And after showing Ms. L my printouts she gives me a photograph and says "Let's do this one today." Oh, yeah, this will work too. (Were mine too simplistic? Too hard maybe? Don't read into it, go with it!)

Haha, how meta. Phsaw, yeah, I got this. 
Where is my wine?

"Set up your palette. And I will be right back." Oh yeah, I can setup my palette, sure, er. Crap. How is that exactly? I soon discovered two reds, two yellows, two blues, two browns, and a large dollop of white constitutes a properly prepared painting palette. Heh. ;P Starting off with my washing of Yellow Ocher I followed the sketch I made of the photo, simplifying, but not redesigning, the image.

YES! This is why I am here. EDUCATION!!

Ms. L turned on a mix CD and for the next two hours, we painted. I got into it, asked questions here and there. "Turn both the photo and your canvas upside down to give you a better sense of shape and color." Insightful! Mrs. C finally showed up and worked on a painting she  brought from home. "Where are the lights? Where are the shadows?" It was wonderful, and I felt in the zone. When I realized there was less than an hour left to paint, there came the pang of sadness, but... But, I'm not ready to stop! :'( Keep on keeping on. Still painting and talking, listening to music, their idle chatter making me feel younger than I have in a long time. Ms. L leans over me and tells me to stop putting lines in my painting.

*Tires Squeal* (I would almost swear you could smell rubber.)

Wait. Um, what? How can I not put lines on my painting; it is literally made of lines and curves, everywhere. She shows me a quick painting of the two pears from last week  "See? No lines, just shapes and edges." Blink. Drool. Duh. I saw lines all over those pears. I saw lines between the colors and lines of each color from brush strokes all over the painting. So my patient instructor tries again.  She grabs a pencil and draws a line on a piece of paper. "That's a line." Thank you, yes, we agree that is indeed a line. But that doesn't change the fact that I see lines on the pears and have NO idea what  she means by stop painting lines on my canvas board. At this point I am beginning to feel the heat of frustration in my face and neck. She is looking blankly at me for a second, quietly, while I try not to transport myself back to fifth grade math class, not knowing how to say that I still don't understand, even though clearly this is supposed to be obvious. Luckily Ms. L isn't my fifth grade maths teacher and she kept at it for a while. We got into a smaller debate about what colors we saw in the photo, I saw grey and she saw purple. I saw orange where she saw red.  

My face cooled off and we got back to painting, but I still don't feel confident that I got it. To the best of my understanding, she wants me to blend my colors, with as little paint as possible, without dry brushing the texture of the canvas. Either that or she doesn't want me adding detail yet, but I don't know how NOT to put detail onto the canvas much less accomplish shapes without any lines. So I  focused my attention on blending. What felt like moments later, it was time to clean up and head home. Water Pitcher with Tomatoes to be continued...

"Creating art is 70% looking and only 30% painting." 
Me thinks these pupils are only registering about 25%. :P  

This is definitely a whole new way of painting for me. It isn't background, focal point, details and done in two hours. I am supposed to take something I see, turn it into blurry, lineless blobs of value before creating the objects I see. Yet I am still left asking, where is the wine?