Monday, October 12, 2015

Class Seven: The Landscape and The Boat

BOOM! Today felt like a breakthrough. I watched Ms. L and we analyzed her painting while I worked on mine. I was feeling hesitant, lacking in confidence about where to begin. It was all so smooth, I wasn't sure where it was safe to put my beloved texture, or as I learned today (my new favorite word) impasto. Ms. L put me at ease and gave me a few ideas to get me started.

Now today was a brilliant day for learning and so I will just give you the bullet points because I was so busy, I didn't think to take a picture until the end of the class. :) 
  • Dry brushing- smooths out texture and edges
  • Landscape land should also be horizontal, like the water; as it is more pleasing to the eye
  • Cobalt blue is primary blue
  • Impasto- texture and worth mentioning again ;)
  • Greys and purples are good for background shapes 
  • Fan brushes are good for grass (and waves)
  • Know the rules before you break them, and why you break them.
  • Don't get too attached to your work.
Ok, this one, this is where she blew my mind. I watched Ms. L work on her boat painting for two classes. And it didn't click until today that she was asking my opinion on things because she was trying to show me techniques. I know it's sounds silly, but as soon as I realized that I started looking at her painting in a whole new light! And she changed up her painting, I lost count how many times, the shoreline changed, the horizon line changed, boats would come and go... All these things she was doing and every time it worked! Be flexible and open minded, she has said, probably every class. And I need to hear it, too, cause I get so attached!! 

I have to admit, it like it. Ms. L loves it and said that I should go home and put my name on it, which I will. But I am gonna sit with it a couple days, decide if I am done. One more thing she taught me today was that each of my paintings are a lesson. This one holds much, and tho it may be missing my precious impasto, the lack of it may be in itself, the lesson.

The Landscape Study.

I took this one in the parking lot because the 
lighting was more true to form. :)

Lastly, since I have raved on about Ms. L's boat, I wanted to share it.
Isn't it gorgeous??? :)

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